Head Of Credit and Marketing
Head Of Credit and Marketing
Mr. Akanni Mutiu Laja is the Head, Credit, and Marketing of Maritime Microfinance Bank Ltd. He studied Accounting at the prestigious Kwara State Polytechnic Ilorin. He is a Certified Microfinance Banker (MCP) and member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria.
He has over 12 years experience of in Banking especially in marketing and Business Development. He started his marketing career as a marketing officer in the marketing unit of Gideon Trust Microfinance Bank Ltd in 2007 and was later moved to head a cash center as head of the marketing team.
He joined Prolific Microfinance Bank Ltd in 2011 where he also anchored client relationship management. He joined Cash Cow Microfinance Bank Ltd as Head, Risk, and Compliance in 2014 and grew to Head Credit & Marketing / Recovery Unit of the Bank.
Prior to joining Maritime Microfinance bank, Laja worked with Broadview Microfinance Bank Ltd as Head, Credit & Marketing / Recovery and later redeployed to Head Business Development.
He attended several pieces of training on team building, relationship management, customer delivery, Credit analysis, administration, marketing strategy, and group lending methodology